
Vaginal Mesh Implant Claims

What they are: A vaginal mesh implant is an implant used to help treat incontinence or support internal organs.  This most commonly occurs as women age or after a number of pregnancies when for obvious reasons, the organs come under strain and pressure and can...

How to Make a Will

The first question, is if you need to make a will at all.  In the vast majority of cases, the answer to that is yes.  If you have no money or property, then making a will just yet might be pointless.  For everyone else, a will is necessary to make sure that your money...

How to Find a Good Solicitor

If you’re an ordinary hard working individual trying to figure out how to find a good Solicitor, whether you have had an accident, need to buy a house, you are left with a confusing choice.  You need to find a Solicitor perhaps for the first time.  It must feel like...

Commissioner for Oaths Explained

For most people, seeing a Commissioner for Oaths or Solicitor to have an Affidavit sworn or a Declaration witnessed is something they have not done before and it can therefore be slightly intimidating.  Believe it or not, this is how it is meant to be.  The purpose of...

Make an Enquiry